PhD - AI-supported Speech Dereverberation for Hearing Devices
Jun. 2020 - Sep. 2023
Universität Hamburg & Advanced Bionics , Hamburg, Germany
- Keywords :
- Pytorch
- Matlab
- Speech Processing
- Acoustics
- Stochastic Calculus
I am currently working as a PhD student in the Signal Processing lab of Universität Hamburg under the supervision of Prof. Dr-Ing. Timo Gerkmann, in collaboration with Advanced Bionics, one of the major companies for cochlear implants in Europe.
My focus is on neural network-based speech processing for dereverberation in hearing devices. Our aim is to develop new, real-time capable algorithms capable of dereveberating and denoising the mixture speech received at the hearing device microphone array. The techniques used range from DNN-assisted real-time Kalman filtering to purely DNN-based multi-frame single-channel dereverberation and score-based generative modelling.
Related publications:
- Customizable end-to-end optimization of online neural network-supported dereverberation for hearing devices, ICASSP 2022
- Neural Network-augmented Kalman Filtering for Robust Online Speech Dereverberation in Noisy Reverberant Environments, Interspeech 2022
Other publications: